Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Joint Economic Council: "Responsible budget in tough economic times"

----------------------------------------------------------Officials of the Joint Economic Council (JEC) consider that the budget of Xavier-Luc Duval is a responsible budget. Even if they believe that other measures could have been presented to support economic recovery.
A responsible budget in tough economic times , "This is how the Joint Economic Council (JEC) calls this budget. "We recognize the difficult economic situation facing the world and are delighted that the Minister of Finance has decided to come forward with measures to boost investment," said the president, Louis Rivalland , Friday, November 4 at the headquarters of the JEC.
The latter has welcomed the decision of the Minister of Finance, announced the abolition of Capital Gains Tax, and the Solidarity Tax. " These measures demonstrate that this budget has a range of pro-investment, especially as we note the installation of the National Resilience Fund to help assist businesses in difficulty , "he said.
The chairman of the JEC also congratulated the Minister of Finance for giving great importance to training. " These are concrete steps that will undoubtedly help to solve the problem of youth unemployment , "he said.
We are also happy to know that with this budget, the government is to encourage people to take charge , "he said. The JEC has welcomed the fact that taxpayers in the National Pension Scheme (NPS) may opt for a medical plan. This measure will seek to privatize the plan.
The JEC estimates, however, that the budget has shortcomings. " The lack of action on water and energy and the lack of initiatives to open airspace are regrettable , "lamented Louis Rivalland.

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